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Ties that Bind

Letting Go is an installation of life-size, handmade paper busts of two women entangled in a web of threads. Facing each other, one figure is grounded while the other is suspended. Red threads represent the invisible connections that bind and separate these two individuals from one another.

Light in the Valley

Navigating through adulthood as an Afro-latina orphaned teen has often been devoid of color, and yet, I have persevered. 

Drawing from life has not only allowed me to shape the figures in front of me, but it has also allowed me to shape my own identity, in a reality where people of color are historically not depicted. Within these vulnerable connections depicted through quick, flowy line work and intuitive color decisions, I am also sculpting my own reflection. I become a shaper, a creator, a vessel for all of these feelings, emotions and energies that connect these observational drawings to a taste of freedom.

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